About Safety360.biz

Welcome to Safety360. Two sisters teamed up to create an online store to give you Safety360. For those unexpected moments, we have your back.

After my sister was assaulted with a firearm, we decided we needed to do something to help during those scary moments. The solution? A safety kit. It includes the basics such as: pepper spray, window breaker, safety alarm, and more. 

But we didn’t stop there. We asked ourselves this question: what if we had a “safety” kit for multiple unexpected life situations? Like a feminine kit, a mental health kit, a PPE health kit, and even a kit for dog owners. 

The idea is to have innovative, good quality, and convenient kits that are perfect as gifts and for personal use. 

We hope this is the beginning of a trend of preparedness and awareness. 

Are you in? 

Let’s grow our community of people who like to be prepared for whatever life throws at you. 

We strive to give you products you enjoy. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at safety360biz@gmail.com