5 Effective and Realistic Ways to Reduce Worrying

Worrying is an adjective meaning: causing anxiety about actual or potential problems; alarming. How can we reduce worrying?

reduce worrying

Glenn Turner once said: “Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.” Sometimes we find ourselves over thinking about things that we have little to no control over. If there is a problem, I can almost guarantee you that worrying will not solve it. That is why it is important that we are cold minded when it comes to solving a problem. 

Why do we worry?

If we know worrying doesn’t get us anywhere, then why do we keep doing it? I believe that we worry because it’s the easiest reaction. Deep inside it feels like we are doing something, when in reality, we are stuck and are not going anywhere. 

In her article, ‘Understanding why we Worry may Help us Stop doing It’, Bethany Pace says: “One reason for this is that we may worry as a way to feel emotionally prepared for negative outcomes.” So, we can get from this that the reason we worry is out of fear of an unfavorable outcome. 

Recognizing the things that make you worry is vital to reduce your chance of worrying in the future. Some things that might make you worry are:

  • A stressful work environment
  • Dealing with a toxic leadership
  • Life changes such as having a child, divorce, moving 
  • Financial challenges, job loss, or planning for a big purchase (like a home)
  • Relationship conflict with family, friends, or others
  • Physical health issues or concerns
  • Everyday inconveniences like traffic or housework
  • Too many social commitments, responsibilities, or obligations
  • Lack of time for self-care practices and hobbies

From: How to Stop Worrying: 11 Steps to Reduce Stress and Anxiety (betterup.com)

Parenting Stress

I want to bring awareness to parenting stress. Parenting is very challenging, and many people oversee that. Read these 5 myths about being a stay-at-home mom.

When to worry about worrying

We are humans, and as part of that, it is common for us to worry. However, you must know the difference between a ‘normal’ worry and a ‘worry’ that prevents you from going about your day normally. 

You must keep an eye out on how often you worry about certain things because this may be a sign of an anxiety disorder, and for that you should seek medical attention. 

Symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder are:

  • Persistent, excessive worry about several different things for at least six months
  • Fatigue, difficulty sleeping, or restlessness
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Irritability
  • Muscle tension
  • Feeling tense or “on edge”

From: When to worry about worrying – Harvard Health

If you feel any of these symptoms, consult with your doctor.

Why is worry worrisome?

Excessive worrying has negative effects on the body. Here are a few of them.

Act to manage stress

If you have stress symptoms, taking steps to manage your stress can have many health benefits. Explore stress management strategies, such as:

  • Getting regular physical activity
  • Practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, tai chi or massage
  • Keeping a sense of humor
  • Spending time with family and friends
  • Setting aside time for hobbies, such as reading a book or listening to music

From: Stress symptoms: Effects on your body and behavior – Mayo Clinic

Read along to find some simple, yet effective tips that will help you worry less and be happier. 

Implementing these things will help increase your chances of being mentally healthy. Now let’s get right to it.

Tip #1: Keep busy

When you are bored, you’ll have to fall into the trap of thinking whether you are happy or not. And from there, you know it’s a spiral down of dark thoughts. 

Things to keep you busy through the day:

  • Hunting
  • Fishing
  • Gardening
  • Sports
  • Arts
  • Crafts

Find something that makes you happy and go for it. There are YouTube videos and many other sources to help you master that hobby/skill.

Tip #2: Think and act happy

Fake it until you make it. That might be the start of having a healthy mindset.

When you are happy, you attract more happiness, and the opposite if true also. Next time you are not feeling happy, catch yourself in the moment, and smile. There is always something to be happy about. 

Tip #3: Accept Change

The only constant in life is change. There is always something to be learned from change. Change can be good or bad, but if you have an open mind to change, you will find that there is a lesson for you in every situation you go through.  

Study your situation and ask yourself: how can I make this a positive situation?

Tip #4: Focus on the things you have accomplished and not the ones you have not

You’ll find out that you are more successful than you think.

Tip #5: Express gratitude

You can be thankful all through your day. Some things to be thankful for:

  1. Job
  2. Family
  3. Health
  4. Shelter
  5. Nature
  6. Air

Happiness is all around you.

Take time to find it. Talk to friends or family members who truly care about your mental health and let them know the things that make you worry. They might have a word or two of encouragement for you. 

Get rid of toxic relationships and toxic things in general that take away time where you could be happy and worry-less. Do a self-evaluation and find out what things you need to get rid of this upcoming year. 

Those are the five tips I have for you today. I hope you get something from it and can implement the tips in your daily life. 

We are ending this year, and here are some tips you can use to have a successful year

What other tips do you have to reduce worrying and increase happiness?

Thank you for reading. 
