6 Tips to Implement the Slow-Living Lifestyle this School Year

Is it possible to live a slow life with little kids? Yes! I was thinking that I’ve spent too much time trying to be in a hurry. Leaving everything for last minute and just being in a constant state of go, go, go. It was time to STOP. 

While reading online, I kept finding terms like slow living, hygge lifestyle, minimalism, etc. They all target the same idea: enjoy the moment and find joy in the little things life offers. 

Enjoy the moment and find joy in the little things life offers

To do that, we need to find space in our calendar. I found out that if we don’t have a routine, we’re bound to just overfill our life. Now that school is back in session, it is important that we declutter our calendars.

Quick tips to clear your calendar:

Learn to say no

We have covered this topic before. It is okay to say ‘no’ sometimes. Do not feel like you need to do something just to look good. Set your boundaries and say no when you need to.

Delegate tasks

As moms, we tend to feel like we get more done when we do chores ourselves. It is a win-win when we delegate chores with our children and spouses.

Wake up earlier 

Waking up even half and hour earlier gives you time to complete a task or two before the morning rush begins.

Multi-task (the healthy way) 

This might be a trigger, but I am not talking about the multi-tasking that leaves you doing two half-done tasks. Some things you can multi-task are washing the small pile of dishes while you are working on filling up water bottles before getting out of the house.

Cancel appointments you don’t need

I cannot tell you which appointments you don’t need, but for me, some follow-up appts I had in the calendar are not necessary anymore, so I went ahead and canceled them.

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Now that your calendar offers more freedom, resist the urge to re-fill it.

Instead of going out to a family gathering that you are dreading to go to, go out with your kids. A trip to the zoo, the library, a playground, a hike. Basically, take time to do the things you normally don’t have time to do. 

6 Tips for slow living

Prioritize your free-time

This is not an option. Treat your free-time as if if was (because it is) a commitment. This means you can actually write down the things that you would like to do during that time. Make sure these are things that bring joy to you and your family. This is also a great lesson to your children.

Declutter your house

In a household full of children, there is always something to declutter. Get rid of things that do not bring you any joy and do not serve a purpose in hour household. 

Pick a section of the house you want to declutter and ask yourself these 3 questions when you pick the items up: does this item bring me joy? Does this item serve an important role in my house? Is this item in good condition?

Plan ahead

Get the kids bags and outfits ready the night before. Choose your daily outfit the day before. Doing this will help you not be in a rush to get out of the house. 

Cook more meals at home

With school back in session, you might be tempted to buy more meals out of the home if you don’t plan ahead. For that reason, I suggest that you meal plan. There are many ways to meal plan, one of the easiest being meal planning by theme (Monday crockpot, Tuesday tacos, Wednesday pasta, etc.)

Pick up a hobby (diamond painting)

Another easy way to implement the slow-living lifestyle is to pick up a hobby that makes you happy. One hobby I recently picked up is diamond painting. It is fun and inexpensive. Also you don’t need lots of time for it as you do not need to finish in one sitting. Get this highly recommended diamond painting HERE or click on the picture below to go to website.


Let’s do a little diamond painting here. If you haven’t tried it… you should 😁 #diamondpainting #hobbies #dontbebored #oceanpainting

♬ Little Things – Adrian Berenguer

Learn to value resting

Create a routine that includes resting. Teach your children the power of sitting still and just resting. If you can, do the Mr. Rogers clock activity. Sit together and just watch an actual clock rotate for one minute. Resting is underrated! We need more of it in this society where we are told to be in a rush and to always be hustling.

Start living the slow lifestyle today with these quick activities

  • Light a candle
  • Start a book
  • Hug your children
  • Get in the shower
  • Turn on a diffuser with your favorite essential oils
  • Listen to your favorite song
  • Calmly drink your favorite drink
  • Try a new recipe (like this Caribbean rice and black beans recipe)
  • Mist your plants
  • Sit down and think about your blessings
  • Go on a walk and focus on what’s is on the ground (wildflowers, sticks, nice rocks, leaves, etc.)
  • Do the dishes without any music or distraction on (just be in the present)
  • Take 3 minutes in the morning with your kids to just name a few blessings
  • Play a board game with your kids

I hope this post motivates you to become a more mindful person. Try these tips today and start enjoying the things that matter the most in life. Money will always be on demand, so don’t go around chasing it. Step back and enjoy the beautiful today has to offer!
