7 Habits of Highly-Effective Contemporary Moms

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I believe a mom’s primary job is to take care of her family. Today’s fast-paced world does not always permit us to stay at home and to practice homemaking. So, we need to find out how we can manage our families while being working moms.

Almost quitting my job

Last year, my daughter got bit by an insect in her eyebrow. She went to preschool the next morning and the teacher called me stating that the insect bite had made my daughter’s eye get swollen. I was at work, and was not able to go with her. Luckily, the teacher said she was doing better and that she could stay in school. I couldn’t go with my daughter, and I felt terrible. I began feeling guilty for not being available whenever my daughter needed me. To be honest, I wanted to quit my job that very moment. After all, if I can’t be there for my family, which I consider to be my “job”, what am I doing?

I didn’t quit for a few reasons. First, one-income will not work for our family at this time. Second, I have a very flexible work schedule. And lastly, I know that I can be too hard on myself and I would end up regretting that decision.

This might be your case too. You feel stuck and like you need to do more for your family. Now I need you to come closer… come on, I need to tell you a secret… You need to learn that you are doing enough! By giving your unconditional love to your family, and making sure their basic needs are met, you do not need to beat yourself up for what you cannot do.

To make our lives easy, we have tools and resources available that will help us balance our life a little more. 

What are the 7 habits of a highly-effective contemporary mom?

  1. Highly-effective contemporary moms have a planner or at least a plan. There are two people in this world; the ones who plan every little detail of their lives, and the ones who don’t. Have you ever heard that saying that goes: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail? Well, there is a reason why that saying is so popular. You need to plan. We live in a fast-paced world where we are just constantly on the go. I find myself forgetting things all the time and that is because I fail to plan my activities for that day. So, grab a planner and plan you next successful, stress-free day.
  2. Highly-effective contemporary moms have a weekly meal plan. Disclaimer:I do not spend a lot of time planning my meals every week, but I do like to grab a notebook and just write down easy meals that we enjoy. Doing that helps me have options and takes away the stress of figuring out what to cook for that day.
  3. Highly-effective contemporary moms take time for themselves. What does this mean? Yes, self-care. You need to take time for yourself, whether it’s once a week, every other week, once a month, etc. You get it! You need to find something you enjoy, and do it often. If you are relaxed, you will think with a clear mind, and everything else will just flow nicely.
  4. Highly-effective contemporary moms wake up 30 minutes before their usual time. Setting up your alarm just 30 minutes before your regular time will give you extra time to properly prepare for a successful day.
  5. Highly-effective contemporary moms express their love to their family on a regular basis. Show that you are grateful for them. Give them hugs and kisses whenever and as much as you possibly can. Enjoy spending time with your family. Try to let go of some negative habits and enhance the positive things you see in your loved ones.
  6. Highly-effective contemporary moms listen intentionally. Do not pretend to be listening when in reality you are just thinking about what you are going to say next. Try to listen to really understand that person’s comment or concern. Communication will flow much easier if you stop and listen intentionally. After all, you have two ears and only one mouth. Have you ever wondered why that is, other than because it would look interesting if it were any other way? Learn how to listen, Linda!
  7. Highly-effective contemporary moms, schedule their chores. Going back to point number 2 (hehe… number two. I am surrounded by toddlers. It is a thing over here, but I digress) there are two types of people. Do you schedule your chores or do you wait for everything to be dirty to realize that you need to clean and then end up super overwhelmed by the amount of chores you have to do? Try to be number 1! You can make a simple schedule like this one to begin. Once you find your routine, you will do it with your eyes closed (although that is not really recommended to be done literally).
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The most important thing to remember is that highly-effective contemporary moms are not perfect, but they strive for perfection. Will they ever reach perfection? Probably not, but they will always be on their way there. There you have it. The 7 things you can start doing today to become a highly-effective contemporary mom.

Let me know in the comments what other tips you have for those moms who are just overwhelmed and need some positive advice on things that can make their lives a little bit easier. Thank you for taking the time to read and if you liked this post, please share.
