10 Simple Tips to Wake Early and Have a Productive Day

Have you been dealing with a lot of stress at home lately? Stress can have a very negative impact in the quality of your sleep. Read this article to read about the effects of stress in your body. One thing leads to another and you end up having horrible days. It’s a vicious cycle, I get it. If you can’t sleep well, you will not wake up well.

Let me tell you, it doesn’t have to be that way. There are different simple tips and tricks you can try right now to improve the quality of your sleep.

Before we get into my top 10 tips for having a restful sleep, let’s begin by saying that some people have medical conditions that prevent them from having quality sleep. This post is merely for those people who are struggling with balancing home vs work life, or home vs school; you get where I’m going with this. If you have tried multiple techniques and you are still struggling at night-time, I suggest you call your doctor to follow up.

Okay. It’s time. Let’s get to it.

Wake up in a good mood with these 10 simple tips:

Go to sleep early

There is one reason this is number one in my list. I have discovered that going to sleep, even 30 minutes earlier than usual, helps me get better rest. Not only because I sleep more, but also because I don’t wait for my body to get over-exhausted before I actually go to sleep.

Going to sleep early can be difficult. Personally, I feel like I can finally be productive after 9 p.m. when my kids are sleeping. But I understand that I also need to get quality sleep. So, one way this can be accomplished is by forming a night-time routine for my kids, where they go to sleep a little earlier and I get to move my night-time routine 30 minutes before the usual. That is just an idea, of course.

Direct sunlight

Go for a walk in the afternoons. Evening sun is very healthy for our bodies. Training your body to get sun throughout the day, will make it easier for your body to know that when it’s dark, it’s sleeping time. It’s simple math, but it adds up. Get it? Adds up because of math.. anyways. Seriously, try to absorb as much vitamin-D as you can. Winters are quite tough in Michigan, and that makes walking in the afternoon almost impossible. If you are in my same situation, take vitamin-D in pill or gummy form.

Place the alarm on the other side of the room

I don’t know about you, but I set my alarm for a specific time and wake up an hour later, after snoozing multiple times. I have a simple trick for this. Put the alarm in a place where you have to physically get up to turn it off. This should help you be aware quicker and get you motivated to start your mornings on time and in a good mood.

Trivia: Did you know that once your body is in a specific routine, you will not even need an alarm clock?

Have something to motivate you

It is very difficult to wake up early if you do not have any reason to do so. If you have something to look forward to in the mornings, your brain will automatically be more aware when it’s time to wake up. You can plan on what you will have for breakfast, an important event happening that day, or a workout you want to complete. Whatever it is, plan for it the night before.

Turn on the music

My husband believes that if you sleep with music, your brain will not fully go to sleep. Maybe that’s true for some people. Not for me, and maybe not for you either. Try playing forrest sounds and other calming sounds on your phone. They will help you fall asleep faster as your mind will focus on the sounds and not on the problems you have or the endless thoughts that come to mind at night.

You can set a timer in your phone and play the sounds for that time only.

Do 10 jumping jacks

When my son is tired, I try to play with him for like 10 minutes to get him tired enough to were he will fall asleep. This can work for you as well. Try doing jumping jacks before bed. Get your heart rate up and then when it’s coming down, you will find it easier to fall asleep.

You can also try yoga or other meditating techniques to help you wind down at night.

Drink room-temperature water with apple cider vinegar (ACV), lemon and honey

Drinking ACV will help with bloating (almost immediately after drinking it). It can also help you loose weight (For more tips to lose weight, check my post about Beating Stress-Eating or 5 Simple Tips to Lose Weight and Keep it Off) Bloating can make you feel full. When your stomach feels full, you will have more thoughts that come to your head, and that will make it harder for you to fall asleep.

Also, honey can help you sleep better. Read how, here.

Get up before your body knows what you are doing

This one goes along with tip number 2. The idea is that you need to wake up as soon as your alarm rings. Before you start thinking about having to wake up, you need to physically get up from bed.

The longer you think about it, the longer you give your brain more excuses to not get off your bed.

Plan your day the night before

Every night, sit down on your bed 30 minutes before going to sleep, and take some time to write down your plans for the next day. What will you eat, what appointments do you have, which house chores do you want to complete, etc. This will give you a sense of awareness. Your body will know that you need to rest in order to have the energy needed to do the things you wrote down. 

Don’t go to sleep if you are angry

This is the last in the list, but not the least. Do you feel like you offended someone today? Is there something making you feel angry? Let go of all those negative emotions before going to sleep. You don’t want any negative energy getting on the way of you enjoying your sleep. You can release these negative emotions either through prayer, or writing on your journal. Let it all out!

Sleeping Beauty Supplies to Try:

Well, there you have it. I really hope these simple tips can help you sleep better, and have a more productive day. Don’t let negative thoughts get to you. Be kind to yourself. Don’t compare yourself to others. You will find happiness in your own journey.

I want to hear other tips that help you have a good-night rest. Let me know in the comments.


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