3 Ways to Beat Stress-Eating and Lose Weight

I can almost feel the city’s tension by looking out the window. So many questions, so much uncertainty. Through all of this, I have had some time to sit back and reflect on my life. It is quite refreshing actually. I have thought about both my strengths and my weaknesses. One of my weakness is food. I usually keep my cravings under control, but lately it’s been a little more challenging.

What is stress-eating?

This article defines stress-eating as “Consuming food in response to your feelings, especially when you are not hungry. Stress eating is also sometimes called emotional eating. Emotional eating means that your emotions — not your body — dictate when and how much you eat.”

3 Ways you can control stress-eating

  1. Find out what is causing you to stress– Is it work? Family? One thing that helps me narrow down my stressors is writing. If you find it difficult to begin writing, simply start by writing down how your day is going so far. This will help get your thoughts flowing.
  2. Opt for healthier versions of your craving– are you craving chocolate? Try dark cocoa powder, banana and honey. It’s still a treat, but healthier.
  3. Work-out- I don’t know about you, but when I work out I am more mindful of what I eat. The more I work out, the healthier I want to eat. This may be your case as well, but even if it’s not, at least you are burning off some of those extra calories.

I know… same old, same old. But, if you have not see any results yet, you may want to try something different. These really work! On the other hand, you also need to understand that you are not a failure because you gave in to your cravings. Remember, consistency is key. Did you give in? it’s okay, try again tomorrow.

3 Important Tips to Stay Healthy this Season

  • Drink water, lots of water!- I read somewhere that we are supposed to drink half an ounce of water for every pound we weight. Do a little math, and get hydrated!
  • Eat fruits and veggies that boost the immune system- A good way to implement more veggies in your diet is to meal plan. Sundays, for me, are a good day to plan ahead for the week.
  • Sweat out your germs by exercising- if you are not used to working out, try simple workouts you find on the internet, or use workout dvd’s such as this one. That is the workout DVD that helped me get started working out!

These 3 are non-negotiable. This should be done every day, but specially during these times of sickness. Try them and do your best to make them a routine. Times will come when you will not be motivated, but you must find the will-power to continue pushing through.

10 Motivational Quotes for when you Feel like Giving Up

You got this! Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. It may feel like you are swimming against the current, but hang in there. Once you find a routine that works for you, you will find it easier to self-motivate.


Stay tuned… Coming up next: 5 Tips for Being a Happy Mom

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