DIY Side-Tie T-Shirt Re-Style *New Hobby?

When I was a little girl, I remember seeing my cousins and other girls at school re-styling their t-shirts whenever we had a special event at school. For some interesting reason, this stuck in my head and I’ve always wanted to make one of my own ever since.

So yes, this is an old trend, but I have recently been more interested in trying it.

Since I’m part of the Coronavirus quarantine hostages, I have had a little more free time than I would usually have. During this time, I have been able to do a few things that have been pending in my to-do list. One of them is re-styling an old t-shirt.

Below you will find the steps I took to make my very-first (and possibly last :)) DIY t-shirt re-style.


I can’t believe it actually worked! To answer the question in the title… I may never use this again, but at least it’s another item I can check off of my bucket list. My next project is re-styling an old pair or jeans. We will see how that works.

Have you ever re-styled an old t-shirt? Have pictures? Share them with me in the comments below!
